PATools XL Toolbox

since 1999


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Please watch the video above to see how to use PATools Macros.

Below is the full list of available commands. More will be added over time - let us know if you have any requests.

Columns 1 and 2 are not case sensitive.

Column 1 = Select a range / Flow Commands

{BLANK}Ignore line
;{ANYTHING}Start a comment / ignore whats on this line
SEL or . (Dot)Selected range
RGNThe used region of cells around the current selection
NamedRangeA named range
a1Cell A1
a2:b10Range A2:B10
B15,B23,B24Cells B15, B23 & B24
[CR]Current Row eg if A2 is selected then D[CR] will be cell D2
[CC]Current Column eg if D2 is selected then [CC]8 will be cell D8
[LR]Last Row used in the column eg if range D2:D50 is used then D[LR] will be cell D50
[LC]Last Column used in the row eg if range D2:H2 is used then [LC]8 will be cell H8
[FR]Final Row used in the whole worksheet eg if various ranges are used and the final cell on the sheet is P150 then D[FR] will be cell D150 (and [FC][FR] will be cell P150)
[FC]Final Column used in the whole worksheet eg if various ranges are used and the final cell on the sheet is P150 then [FC]8 will be cell P8 (and [FC][FR] will be cell P150)
UP 1Move selected range up 1 eg D4 will become D3, and D3:H12 will become D2:H11. Of course 1 in this example could be any number.
DOWN 1Move selected range down 1 eg D4 will become D5, and D3:H12 will become D4:H13. Of course 1 in this example could be any number.
LEFT 1Move selected range left 1 eg D4 will become C4, and D3:H12 will become C3:G12. Of course 1 in this example could be any number.
RIGHT 1Move selected range right 1 eg D4 will become E4, and D3:H12 will become E3:I12. Of course 1 in this example could be any number.
GODOWN 1Move selected range down 1 ignoring hidden rows eg D4 will become D6 if D5 is hidden / filtered out. Use with care on ranges of more than 1 cell. Of course 1 in this example could be any number.
END DGo to last cell in the range downwards eg if range C4:C20 is used and we are on C9, then C20 will be selected; if C1:C3 are blank and we are on C2 then C4 will be selected.
END UGo to last cell in the range upwards eg if range C4:C20 is used and we are on C9, then C4 will be selected; if C21:C30 are blank and we are on C25 then C20 will be selected.
END RGo to last cell in the range to the right eg if range C4:Y4 is used and we are on H4, then Y4 will be selected; if A4:B4 are blank and we are on A4 then C4 will be selected.
END LGo to last cell in the range to the left eg if range C4:Y4 is used and we are on H4, then C4 will be selected; if Z4:AC4 are blank and we are on AA4 then Y4 will be selected.
Flow Commands
COUNTER x yStart a counter; first use will be value x with subsequent uses going up by y.
IF Run all the following commands up to IF/ if the sum of the current range matches the criteria: {ANY OF} <x >x <=x >=x =x <>x (where x is a value)
IF/Marks the end of the commands to be run subject to the IF statement.
RPT xRun all the following commands up to RPT/ x number of times.
RPT/Marks the end of the commands to be run multiple times.


Column 2 = Activity

Columns 3 and 4 are left blank or used for parameters as below.

{BLANK}No operation to perform ie simply select the range specified in Column 1.
;{ANYTHING}Start a comment / ignore this operation.
ENTER{TEXT/NUMBER/FORMULA} OR [PROMPT] OR [COUNTER] OR [RANDOM]Enters data into each cell in your range. Can be text, number of a formula. Also use [Prompt] to prompt for input whilst running the macro. Use [Counter] to enter the counter value. Use [RANDOM] for a random number between 1 and 99. These last three can be within other content eg Region [COUNTER].
VAL+2Convert the value of each cell by adding the specified value; 2 in this example.
VAL-2Convert the value of each cell by subtracting the specified value; 2 in this example.
VAL*2Convert the value of each cell by multiplying by the specified value; 2 in this example.
VAL/2Convert the value of each cell by dividing by the specified value; 2 in this example.
VALConvert a formula to the value for each cell in the range ie same as doing Copy & PasteValues.
CALCULATEForces a calculation of the workbook (useful if in Manual Calc mode).
INS{Blank} OR {ANY OF} RCInsert cells in your range. Specify R for Rows or C for Columns.
DEL{Blank} OR {ANY OF} RCDelete cells in your range. Specify R for Rows or C for Columns.
CLEAR{Blank} OR {ANY OF} CFNMHClear your range. Specify C for Contents, F for Formats, N for Notes, M for Comments, H for Hyperlinks.
COPYCopy your range to the clipboard.
CUTCut your range to the clipboard.
PASTE{Blank} OR {ANY OF} VFPaste the Clipboard. Specify V for Values Only, F for Formats Only.
FONT={ANY OF} BIUDSpecify B for Bold, I for Italics, U for Underline, D for Double Underline, for all cells in the range.
FONT<>{ANY OF} BIUDSpecify B for NOT Bold, I for NOT Italics, U for NOT Underline, D for NOT Double Underline, for all cells in the range.
FONTCOLOR{ANY OF} DRBGKW OR {COLORINDEXNO}Sets the font color for all cells in the range. Specify the colorindex value, or D for Default, R for Red, B for Blue, G for Green, K for Black, W for White.
FILLCOLOR{ANY OF} DRBGKW OR {COLORINDEXNO} Sets the fill color for all cells in the range. Specify the colorindex value, or D for Default, R for Red, B for Blue, G for Green, K for Black, W for White.
NUMFORMAT{NUMBER FORMAT}Specify the numeric format for all cells in the range.
WRAPApplies WrapText to each cell in the range.
AUTOWIDTHApplies Autowidth to each column in the range.
AUTOHEIGHTApplies Autoheight to each row in the range.
SORT{Blank} OR DRun a sort on your specified range. Specify D for Descending values.
FILTERTurns the Filter on (or off if already on).
FINDWHAT{Blank} OR {ANY OF} VWCFind within the specified range. Specify V to look in Values (normally Formulas are searched), W for Whole of cell (normally it is any part), C to match Case (normally it is not case sensitive).
REPLACEFINDREPLACERun a search and replace in your range.
NAMENAME or {Blank}Names your range as specified. Specify no name and any current name will be deleted.
SHEETCOPY{Blank} or {NewName}Make a copy of the worksheet. Specify the name for the new sheet if you wish.
SHEETSELSHEET TO SELECTSpecify which sheet to work on.
SHEETRENAME{Newname}Renames the worksheet.
SHEETNEW{Blank} or {NewName}Insert a new worksheet.
SHEETPROTECTPASSWORD or {Blank}Protects the worksheet (optional password)
SHEETUNPROTECTPASSWORD or {Blank}UnProtects the worksheet (optional password)
SAVEACOPYPATH AND FILENAMESave a copy of the spreadsheet to the specified path and filename.
PRINT{Blank = 1} OR {NO OF COPIES}Print the spreadsheet (not the range). Specify the number of copies if more than 1.



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